Welcome to Galloway
Galloway Church of Franklin,
196 Seysler Rd, Franklin, PA 16323
9:30 am Worship Sunday Mornings
Thanks for checking out Galloway Church of Franklin! We have one worship service on Sunday morning.
When you arrive, you’ll find a large parking lot across the street from the main entrances on the upper level of the church. The main entrance to the worship center is located on the far left as you look at the front of the building. The offices and Chapel are on the far right. The kitchen and fellowship hall are in the middle. From the lower level you can enter directly into the Free4All clothing ministry and youth room. There is elevator access between floors.
If we don’t answer your questions here, please contact us if you are curious about any other aspect of Galloway Church. We’d love a chance to chat with you about our church and get to know you a little bit more. Call (814) 437-5425 or e-mail church@gallowaychurch.org.

8:30 – Before the worship service a cafe is open in the fellowship hall. Free coffee and refreshments are there. A Bible Study also meets in the room in front of the Chapel and anyone may drop in and participate.
9:30 – Our music in worship is diverse, composed of contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns and led by a variety of musicians. We are seeking a unity in worship that is created by the Holy Spirit and not just musical style.
We have communion on the first Sunday of every month. Everyone – kids, new people, strangers, saints and sinners – everyone is welcome at the Lord’s Table. We believe that God is present in our worship in a way that someone can come as a lost soul, far from God in their life and leave as a child of God, loved by our Savior, and saved by his Grace. So, we invite everyone to come and get a taste of God’s gift of Grace and see that he is GOOD!

How should you dress? Please, come as you are. There’s no dress code here. You’ll find everything from jeans and shorts to dresses and ties.