Our Leaders

Roy Gearhart - Pastor
Pastor Roy and Janice live and work as partners in ministry. They met in high school and married in 1983. They have two daughters, one son-in-law, and two granddaughters whom they dearly love. After pastoring seven years, followed by seventeen years traveling in evangelism, they followed God’s call here to Galloway in 2013. They serve with love for Gospel and a passion to reach the next generation. They are committed to discipleship through personal relationships formed in small groups. They rely on the power of prayer and in the gifts of the Holy Spirit to empower the church to love and serve Jesus.
Roy and Janice love to get outdoors to ride bikes, walk with their dog, and kayak together. Roy loves to hunt and build things. His love of history has led to historical reenacting along with building and shooting flintlock rifles.

Janice Gearhart - Administrative Assistant/Ministry Coordinator
Janice is the Administrative Assistant employed in the church office. Her gifts allow her to serve throughout the church, coordinating many ministries and events. She has played the piano in church since she was 12 and continues to use those gifts to lead in worship for many occasions here at Galloway. She also leads a weekly discipleship group for women.
Janice loves doing crafts, planting flowers and gardening. Above all else, Janice has poured herself into her roles as a wife, a mom, and now a grandma, which gets her the title “Gigi”.

Colleen Cable - Director of Kids and Youth Ministries
Colleen leads and gives oversight to all ages of our kids and youth ministries. She is a gifted leader, communicator, and graphic designer. She has developed and works with a great team of volunteers who are dedicated to discipling our youth, so they will mature in faith, personally, and in their relationships with others. Colleen is supported by our intern/assistant director, Alexis Holtz.
Married to Mike since 2018, Colleen is a mom and a stepmom. She and Mike share a love of Jesus and partnership in life and ministry. They have the best Aussy Shepherd named Luna.

Mike Cable - Lay Leader
Mike has an awesome testimony of God’s Grace in his life. He is a husband, a dad of three girls and fulltime truck driver but that doesn’t stop him from investing time volunteering in ministries. He brings to everything he does, a love of Jesus together with a passion for people to be blessed. Mike partners with his wife, Colleen, as part of our youth leadership team. He is also a great preacher and provides leadership in other ministries.
Mike is the Household Goods Coordinator for Mustard Seed Missions. This is a ministry through which churches work with Venango County agencies to meet the needs of families in our communities.
Mike and Colleen love to go RV camping with family and friends.

Alexis Holtz - Assistant Director of Kids and Youth Ministries
Alexis “Lexi” works along with Colleen in all things kids and youth. She is a huge asset to this ministry because of the gifts she brings to working with children. Lexi grew up here at Galloway and has a deep love for our church family. She is currently a student in psychology at Slippery Rock University with plans to become a counselor for children.
Lexi hopes to have a life with free time someday. Her favorite movie is The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Bill and Carole Deets - Lay Leader & Care Ministry
Bill and Carole provide a great deal of love and care to people in need. They visit the sick and shut-ins in their homes, the hospital or nursing care facilities. Carole is well known for her gift of hospitality and Bill gives the best bear hugs around!
Carole and Bill love hosting people in their home for food and games. Their joy is spending time with their family.
Bill also serves as chair of our Church Council and preaches on occasion. Just for fun, ask Bill sometime about potatoes.

Lori Horn - Lay Leader
Lori is part of multiple ministries here at Galloway. She frequently helps lead worship Sunday mornings, at youth, and other settings. She is a gifted speaker, preaching on Sunday mornings, and teaching youth and children. Lori always has a long to do list. She is a fulltime nurse, a wife, a mom, a grandma, an adoptive mom and a foster mom.
Lori and husband, John, love to RV camp. John also contributes to many youth events, cooking up delicious meals on grill and griddle for the crowd!
Lori is also a member of our Church Council.

John Kurtich - Hospitality
Pastor calls John, “Mr Galloway” because John just has way of making people feel at home and helping them find ways to connect. He is so great at building a crew full of people who love to serve others. From greeters and ushers at the doors, to food prep and set up, John gets people on board to bless others. John leads the planning and prep of food for most events here at Galloway. This includes Sunday morning cafe, fellowship meals, and funeral dinners.
JK loves bebop music. He launched our pickleball fellowship here at the church.
John is also a member of our Church Council and there focuses on HR needs.