You Can Find a Place to Serve Here
Being a member of a church should not be seen as a ticket that admits you to services provided there. Becoming part of the church is really a certification to serve.
“The whole body depends on Christ. And all the parts of the body are joined and held together. Each part of the body does its own work. And this makes the whole body grow and be strong with love.” Eph 4:16 ICB
Below are a sampling of things we do together. You can pick up a Volunteer Survey Card at the Welcome Desk to share information about your gifts and interests that can help us connect you areas of service that fit you. Contact the church office to learn more – 814-437-5425 or
A Warm Welcome
Introducing people to Jesus often begins with opening a door, introducing yourself and making someone welcome to enter.
Sunday mornings, greeters and ushers meet people at the doors to welcome new people, to become a friend to the lonely, and to help the lost find their way.
If you can be friendly, you can serve here.
Hospitality at the Table
Sharing food at the table is one of the best ways to build relationships. The Bible is filled with events that happened at the table, including the Last Supper.
We have a free cafe every Sunday morning before worship that is set up and run by volunteers. Potluck/covered dish church dinners are a valued part of our fellowship. We unite to serve Funeral dinners to bless families in grief. Several pairs of people help serve Communion on the first Sunday every month.
You can serve at the table.
Hands on Helping
Taking Care of physical property is a big task whether it’s your house or God’s house!
We have a group called the Levites who do a lot of maintenance projects here at the church. Individuals also offer up their time and skills to take on projects.
We also have crews that build ramps for people in need and volunteers who help with MUSTARD SEED Projects in the community.
Got Skills? You can serve here.
Lifting Burdens
Jesus said that we love him when we feed and cloth those in need.
In the lower level of the church we have the FREE4ALL where we give away donated clothing.
If you can hang up clothes, you can serve here!
Reaching the Next Generation
Kids and Youth are a priority for us because we are passionate to pass on the faith to the next generation.
Kids and Youth ministries are labor intensive but they are also FUN! We are constantly seeking leaders, teachers, and people who just want to help. Some volunteers are up for every week while others step in for short-term service.
If you want to help reach the next generation, you can serve here.